So because I have no desire at this point in time to do video, I have instead decided to do a blog post. :)
1. Is your hair curly or straight?
It's fairly straight after it's just been washed but after a couple of days it goes more wavy. But it does also depend of the weather and how I dry my hair.
2. Do you dye your hair yourself or go to a salon?
Both. My hair is pretty damn thick so it is expensive to get done at a salon but I do like to treat myself a few times a year and will go to the salon then.
3. Do you have the same style everyday or do you change it up?
I'm going with Dani on this one, is it meaning makeup, hair, clothing or all three?
It's more the same during the week because of work with simple makeup and hair up in a bun. Weekends I tend to do a bit more with both as I have more time to think about it.
4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon for one?
I tend to do it myself. I have ticklish feet so there's no way someone else is doing my pedi. I will just about always do my own mani, I have this weird sense of accomplishment about being able to a good mani myself without having to pay a lot for it.
5. How often do you change your nail polish?
I'd say normally about once a week, normally on a Thursday or Friday before my weekend plans, just because I will always chip it, no matter what.
6. Do you polish your toes in winter or just in summer?
Honestly I very rarely paint my toe nails. If I've painted my toe nails it's normally for a special occassion.
7. How long does it take for you to do your makeup?
Oh gosh.
Before work is about 10 minutes.
During the week if I'm actually doing something is a little bit closer to 15 minutes.
Weekends/nights out would be closer to 45 minutes.
And this is going to sound so bad but special occassions it would probably be pretty close to an hour, maybe even an hour and a half. (nobody judge me!)
8. Do you do your face or your eyes first?
Probably face 95% of the time, unless I'm actually going to spend the time to do pretty eyeshadow and then I will do my eyes first.
Collect, most definitely.
I'm pretty that 99% of beauty bloggers will have to agree with me on this one.
10. How often do you wear fake lashes?
I have worn them once and it did not go very well at all.
11. Do you wear a full face of makeup everyday?
Gosh no, I am too lazy for that.
12. Do you wear makeup when you're home alone or with your family?
Yes, normally though because when I'm home alone I'm trying out new things and practicing different techniques.
13. Do you leave the house without makeup?
Rarely, I tend to at least always apply foundation or a BB cream and concealer where it's needed.
14. How many high end products do you have?
Not that many actually, and it's probably a good thing.
15. Is your OOTD planned at night or no?
Kind of, I tend to plan part of the outfit the night before and then do the rest when I'm getting ready.
16. How often do you change your handbag?
I would say maybe every 3 or so months. I carry so much crap around and emptying that all the time would annoy the crap out of me.
17. What is your wakeup time and go to bed time?
I do night shift two days a week so sleep time is about 1:30am with a wake up at 7am when my shift is over. Rest of the time it would be about 1am and get up at 10am.
18. Do you list products that you want from watching someone else's videos?
All the time, it's the best way to find out about new products.